Annual Meeting 2023
The Annual Meeting 2023 of the Cardiovascular Research Cluster Bern (CVRC) was held on the 18th January 2023. The aim of the meeting was to raise awareness of ongoing cardiovascular research and interests among fundamental and clinical scientists in Bern, to promote interaction between the various teams, and to encourage junior researchers. With approximately 140 registrations and 47 abstracts submitted from the many different Bernese Institutes and Departments involved in cardiovascular research, the meeting was a great success.
The CVRC Annual Meeting 2023 was divided into sessions covering diverse cardiovascular themes with research focuses in Bern. In addition to the six invited local speakers who introduced the different sessions, special appreciation is addressed to the 19 early career investigators who presented their innovative results in flash presentations. 50% of the presenters were women, which underlines the importance of gender equality in cardiovascular research in Bern.
Last year, due to the pandemic situation, we were unable to meet and exchange ideas on site. We were therefore very pleased that this year we could conclude the online meeting with an on-site poster session and networking aperitif in the Foyer Langhans Auditorium.
New this year, the CVRC has initiated a new PhD specialization program for cardiovascular research and presenting students could obtain 0.5 ECTS for the CVRC Annual Meeting 2023.
The Prize Jury Committee, chaired by Prof. Marco Osterwalder, awarded four research prizes. Anna Zimmermann (Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine) and Anastasia Milusev (Department for BioMedical Research) each received a prize for the ‘Best Flash Presentation’ in clinical and fundamental categories, respectively. The prizes for the ‘Best Poster’ went to Theo Meister (Department of Cardiology and Department for BioMedical Research) in the clinical category and to Anaïs Yerly (Department of Angiology and Department for BioMedical Research) in the fundamental category.
The CVRC Annual Meeting 2023 was organized by Dr. Maria Arnold, Prof. Yvonne Döring, Dr. André Frenk, Prof. Sarah Longnus, Prof. Katja Odening, and PD Dr. Emrush Rexhaj.
We would like to thank all participants for a lively day of presentations and stimulating discussions, and we look forward to our next CVRC Annual Meeting!

Congratulations to the prize winners 2023
- Clinical Category: Best Flash Presentation Prize - Anna Zimmermann
- Fundamental Category: Best Flash Presentation Prize - Anastasia Milusev
- Clinical Category: Best Poster Prize - Theo Meister
- Fundamental Category: Best Poster Prize - Anaïs Yerly