Cardiovascular Research Cluster Bern

Titleimage: CVRC

As cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally, a greater understanding of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology is of utmost importance. Consequently, several teams of the University of Bern (UniBE) and Inselspital, Bern University Hospital are actively involved in research concerning the function of the heart, arteries and veins, as well as the underlying mechanisms, in healthy and diseased states. This research ranges from fundamental biochemical science to pre-clinical and clinical studies, and therefore relies on a multitude of experimental models. 

In order to promote the cardiovascular research teams in Bern as leaders in the understanding of cardiovascular (patho)physiology and in the development of approaches to reduce disease burden, the Cardiovascular Research Cluster Bern was established for all UniBE and Inselspital members with an interest in cardiovascular research.

News and events

12:00h Professor Francesco Paneni (UZH), Institute of Anatomy (Baltzerstrasse 2, 3012 Bern), seminar room A206 Seminar: “Chromatin Remodeling in Cardiometabolic Disease: Opportunities for Personalized Therapies"


The Oustanding Achievement Award 2023 by the European Society of Cardiology

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Yvonne Döring from the Department for BioMedical Research (DBMR), University of Bern for being awarded the Oustanding Achievement Award 2023 by the European Society of Cardiology


Open position: Junior Postdoctoral researcher

The group of Nadia Mercader (Anatomy) is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the field of genetic and epigenetic regulation of heart development and regeneration.


Open Postdoc position

There is an open position for a Postdoctoral Scientist for translational research in the Department of Cardiac Surgery. The project will focus on ex-vivo heart perfusion (EVHP) as a new therapeutic technology, exploring its potential to optimize graft evaluation and viability in heart transplantation, as well as investigating its use for novel, cardiac precision therapies.

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Congratulations – Prizes at the Annual Meeting of the USGG

Sarah Bernhard (Angiology) has been awarded the Förderungspreis der Union Schweizerischer Gesellschaften für Gefässkrankheiten 2022 for her project “Deep next-generation whole exome sequencing for the detection of somatic-mosaic mutations in arteriovenous malformations to enable advances in personalized therapeutic decision making” and the USGG-Preis for the best presentation “Non-interventional vascular medicine” 2022 with her talk on “Next-generation sequencing for the detection of somatic-mosaic mutations in extra-cranial arteriovenous malformations”. Corinne Kohler (Vascular Surgery) received the USGG-Preis for best presentation "Interventional and surgical vascular medicine" with her talk on "Amputation-free survival after distal crural or pedal bypass surgery for chronic limb threatening ischemia". Congratulations!


12h, Inselspital, room INO B 118, Prof. Dr. Nicole Seiberlich (University of Michigan) Seminar: "Routine body and neuroimaging at low field: The First 18 Months at 0.55T"


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